Friday, January 14, 2011

Muscle Building Pills - Are They Necessary?

Many men out there think that the only way to have bigger muscles fast is to take muscle building pills that promises big muscles with minimal effort. Some of these pills are actually effective in helping individuals build muscles but the problem with them is that some of them have adverse side effects and brings detrimental harm to the body.
In fact, many muscle building pills contain ingredients that are banned by the government because of the dangers and harms that they present in the body of those who eats them. People taking these pills may not immediately feel the effects of the supplements they consume, but they tend to accumulate in the body and once they reach a certain level, they will cause terrible sickness and even organ damage. This is certainly not a wise thing to do.
Individuals who are using muscle building pills are those that are looking for shortcuts and quick fixes. When it comes to body building, nothing still beats the combination of effective workout and the consumption of the right nutrition. Taking muscle building pills are not necessary to build muscles, however the act of doing it may even pose some serious health problems when used for a prolonged period of time. If you think you need some extra support in your muscle building efforts, then take muscle building pills that are made with all-natural ingredients. These are not only safe but also easily available and most of time works effectively than those pills.
Many of these kinds of pills do not have the side effects that come with conventional pills. This is one of the biggest advantages of all-natural ingredient. Keep in mind that the use of muscle building pills is not necessary at all, if you want to build large muscles and achieve the body of your dreams. When it comes to body building, the combination of a healthy diet and regular exercise is still the best and most effective method as well as the most lasting technique of building the body you want. Care not about quick fixes and work your way up to gain that dream muscles of yours.
Get your free fitness training tips at Muscle Body Building Blog. To learn more, visit my website here: Let's build this muscle together!
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Strength Training is For Women - Ladies, Grab Those Weights

Strength training was once a practice reserved for male competitive athletes and bodybuilders. Fortunately, those outdated ideas are where they belong, in the past. Strength training has been proven to benefit all populations and it is absolutely essential if we wish to change the look of our bodies.
Women especially reap huge benefits both physically and mentally from weight bearing exercise. Strength training creates strong ligaments and tendons, which serve to support the joints and decrease the likelihood of injury from other activities. It is the best thing a woman can do to reduce her risk of osteoporosis because working with weights increases bone density. Strength training also increases your metabolism as well because by creating muscle tissue, you are creating tissue that is active and uses energy (calories) even when at rest. And maybe one of the sweetest surprise benefits of strength training for women is the confidence and sense of control it can give you, not to mention the ability to perform daily activities that require lifting with ease. (No more waiting for your husband to get home to open a jar!)
So how many of you women out there are afraid that if you lift weights you will get muscles that are too big? This is a common fear and nothing more than a myth. The vast majority of women cannot build large muscles because it is a genetic impossibility to do so. Women have high levels of the hormone estrogen and so the increase in muscle size that men (who have high levels of testosterone) have can never be the same for women.
When women strength train they will see a difference in muscle tone, strength and endurance and not necessarily in size. Do not be afraid of the weights, ladies, strength training is something wonderful that you can do for your body!
Another common myth is that you need to lose your fat before working on toning your muscle. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you are overweight and wanting to lose fat, you should be performing weight-bearing exercise along with cardiovascular exercise. By challenging your muscles with weights you are burning more calories than if you did cardio alone, you are building muscle tissue which in turn burns fat for fuel and you are less likely to have droopy skin from losing weight because you will have the toned muscle underneath.
A routine consisting of cardio activities such as walking, jogging, aerobic classes, etc. combined with lifting weights is without a doubt the most effective way to achieve your weight loss goals. We all know that women today are very busy. Have no fear because strength training need not be time consuming. A good weight-training workout can take as little as 20 minutes. Some things to consider; do not be afraid of challenging your muscles! You want to feel challenged when you are lifting weights. For example, if you are doing bicep curls and aiming for 12 repetitions, you should be feeling them by the tenth repetition and the twelfth should be very challenging. If you are not challenging your muscles than you are wasting your time and energy! Also, it is important to work all major muscle groups to keep your muscles in balance. In other words, you would not only want to do bicep curls, you want to also work your triceps so that the final result is the nice toned and proportionate look your going for.
For the safest, most effective program, seek the advice of fitness professional. You can also pick up a book or For the safest, most effective program, seek the advice of fitness professional. You can also pick up a book or video on the subject or join a gym. Get yourself familiar with strength training and get started! It is a decision you will not regret!
Barry Lovelace is an internationally recognized personal trainer and fitness professional. Visit his website for FREE health and fitness tips and a FREE Ebook titled 'How To Juggle Your Health and Fitness'.
Article Source:,-Grab-Those-Weights&id=358989

Bodybuilding Techniques - How to Speed Up Your Results With Just Minor Changes to Your Workout!

So you are working out, or are even considering working out, however the results are taking what seems to be forever to show! No problem, with just a couple simple changes to your life, you will start seeing results easily and fast. Here are the secrets to getting your fit body to show through faster than you think:
Vary your routine weekly
It's very easy to find a routine and want to stick to it forever since you are familiar with the activities. However, just as you become familiar with your routine so do your muscles which mean you are no longer challenging them. Once your muscles are trained you will stop building muscle mass and simply maintain it which will not help you build large muscles in the short term or the long term. For best results you should vary the number of sets and reps you perform weekly.
Increase your protein intake
With all the extra activity you are participating in you need to remember to feed your muscles if you want them to become big and strong. Protein is the ingredient that your muscles need to build and repair, so make sure you increase your intake so that they can grow to their maximum size quickly. Whey protein in particular is an excellent growth food if you are working on building large muscles which you can find in a powder form that can easily be consumed in shakes.
Rest and drink plenty of water!
The doctors seem to always be saying this; however consider when you are working out to treat your body how you would treat it if you were ill. Muscles need time and nutrients to repair; just like your body would if you are sick; so always give this time in between and during workouts as well for your body to naturally replenish itself. Drinking lots of water will also fill out your veins, make you feel better, and allow proper production of your muscles; in a shorter time. Results would be more evident this way.
Warning: Your Body Building Workout May Be Costing You! Do Not Lift Another Weight Until You See This: What you are about to see will change your body and life...You are about to unearth the World's Most Brilliant 'Unrevealed' Bodybuilding Secrets That Guarantees You A Mind Blowing Physique within weeks. I strongly urge you to read on to discover these life changing secrets - Click Here
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Aerobic Training

How to start your aerobic training program:
Consider first setting your goals for sometime in the future; make sure they are realistic. Start easy, be kind to yourself. Many of us start out joining a gym and telling ourselves that now we will train every day! Six out of ten people going to gyms drop out in the first month. That’s a staggering 60% of the people. The numbers are just as high for those that buy exercise equipment and don’t use it. So you need several ingredients, not necessarily in order of importance, but because you want to be successful in your training.
1. Desire or motivation that is from who you are, not to get something.
2. Energy: This means you need to start thinking about eating better. No matter
where you are with nutrition you can always improve (see nutrition for details). You
need nutrients as well. Vitamins, power foods, high technology nutrition is available;
you just need to make the effort. Without good fuel it’s hard to get the energy to
3. Set your goals within yourself and make them realistic. Remember, there is no
cause and effect so you can’t cause health; you can only live it.
4. Make the time, create a loose schedule with alternatives, if need be.
5. Stick to it. Remember, consistency is more important than intensity.
6. Understand the basics of bio-mechanics, even for walking (posture, the
muscles, the stretching, the meditation and imagery) to get the most from your
7. If you are in a family or a relationship, you need support and encouragement,
not grief for leaving them alone so often. Get them to start with you (that’s really
tough sometimes). It’s always easier if your partner is doing a similar program with
8. If you smoke, start making an effort to cut down, if that’s really what you want
to do. If not, it will not make a huge difference so much as your attitude towards it
will. Use coltsfoot, an herb you can buy in health food stores and smoke it. It will
cleanse your lungs, and help you to get off tobacco. You will find the desire will
slowly fade away as you get healthier. We don’t need to harp about it. JUST DO IT!
9. If you eat more than a plate at a sitting, just start eating less, and limit snacks
to fruit.
10. Maybe it’s some of the food you eat. Cut down on fats, sugar, liquor, canned
food, and packaged food full of hidden fats and sugars. I’m sure you already know
the stuff that doesn’t really help your body.
11. Eat more of the good stuff: fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole foods, grains,
12. Drink more water, read more books, and have more fun in your life. Why not?
Of course there is more, but this would be a great start. Remember that when you
work holistically you have a better chance at success. You will be working on several
levels of health at the same time.
A few days you make it, then you miss one, and eventually another. I know, and I’m
a professional trainer, it happens to me. Life is always changing, that’s the beauty of
it. That does not mean we give up; just go with the flow. Set some realistic goals,
and know that you will miss some days. Make it up again, and don’t beat yourself
up about it.
The majority of people drop out of their health programs primarily because it is very
hard to get motivated. There are a few myths about motivation for working out --
that knowledge will do it, or maybe we feel guilty because we are overweight -- but
the key is if you don’t have the energy none of that will matter. It’s really about
metabolism. Once you get older if you don’t exercise, your own body will start to
think you don’t need the hormones and energy. Basically, it starts to shut down.
When you do exercise, it’s hard and your body feels like it’s really stressed. It’s not
very pleasant, in fact, it hurts many times when you start to train.
To really increase the energy level and have your body and brain work with you, you
need to take the nutrients to get your body working again. The food you eat needs
to be better quality with more servings of natural fruits and vegetables. If you are
eating junky food there is no way your body will be able to have more energy.
You need to consider antioxidants, vitamins, and some form of growth hormone like
DHEA or Deer antler extract which is natural (IGF1 which is a pre-curser to HGH).
Take care with Human Growth Hormon always consult your doctor. I personally
don't recomend HGH, because if you take it your body stops producing it, there are
alternatives. You can’t take very much of this as it turns to testosterone and so you
need to consult a doctor for medical advice. (see my web page for more information
about this along with other nutrients). Most doctors don’t recommend very high
doses of either of these nutrients, so get professional advice. A small amount can
do wonders for the human body. These nutrients increase metabolism, build
muscle, and help the body to become anabolic (for building and repair of tissue).
This is important: to not be catabolic (destructive down cycle) any longer. If you can
use these health products, they are the best.
The research necessary to take the vitamin and nutrient business to its highest level
is being done with these products. Your success in a fitness program is dependent
on your nutrition program.
The minimum goal for an aerobic activity is five times a week for over thirty minutes
each session, and even up to sixty minutes if you are only going to walk. Five times
a week, not three times as we have heard. That doesn’t mean it has to be all running
or all walking. You can play tennis, golf, and walk briskly, or take a nice walk with
the family. Families that train together, stay together. Play ball with the kids, for this
to be effective and considered an aerobic activity, you need to do it over a half hour
and get your heart rate up about 60 to 70% of your max. By then you start to burn
some fat. As you increase this ability to burn some fat your brain says “Hey! This
person is active. Let’s improve the metabolism.”
As you exercise you also decrease your appetite so you eat less. This is when your
body will start to create more hormones, endorphins, and pain-reducing substances
called antefolins, which will help you to feel better. Remember, you have to get over
the hump before you feel good from exercise. Then weight is not a big problem and
you will slowly and naturally level off to your natural weight. This all helps to reduce
your stress as well as helping you to feel more successful and some enhanced self-
esteem. Balancing your body this way also helps reduce the risk of heart disease as
well as diabetes. It helps you create more of HDL, which is the good cholesterol, and
reduces the LDL & VLDL, the bad cholesterol.
A moderate exercise program always helps you sleep better. It enhances the
digestion and the lymphatic systems (the cleanser of the body tissues). All this helps
your body to work at the ultimate level. Remember, this is going to take time. Diets
or any fast way will not last. We know now that when you diet or change anything
too drastically your body goes into shock. Then the next time you eat, it holds on to
it. You gain all the weight back, your body just needs to know you are not a couch
So it’s best to not focus on the weight. When your body is operating at its optimal
level, you will be at your correct weight eventually. It all depends on your body type,
anyway. You could still be heavy and be incredibly fit and healthy. Isn’t that the
purpose of all this?
A sample schedule for the beginner fitness enthusiast:
Note you can replace walk for run- if you have been a runner, if not don't start
running unless you are prepared to find all your sore, and injured places coming to
the surface.
Day One.
Take an easy twenty-minute walk at a nice brisk pace. (Walk ten minutes from your
starting point and turn around.) Find a nice place to walk, away from lots of cars. If
your neighborhood is good place well, great. If not, take the extra time to drive to a
park, beach, pasture or the country. No sense huffing and puffing more carbon
monoxide. (Living in Los Angeles is like smoking ten cigarettes every hour.
Cherniscki). You need to be able to keep up a conversation. If you are in oxygen
debt you won’t burn calories as well so take it easy at first. Upon returning, spend
about ten or fifteen minutes stretching.
Consistency is more important than intensity. If you don’t do it regularly the brain
thinks “well, this body doesn’t need much energy so we can store all these extra
calories in the thighs or butt.” But if you start with some regular activity, just
everyday stuff can contribute the message to the brain saying “hey we need more
energy.” The brain begins to think this body is active and needs to increase the
metabolism. Every two hours do something for at least ten minutes is another
technique. Then your brain will take you to a higher metabolic level. As you increase
your exercise program you will have more byproducts called free radicals. This is
more reason for us to work with nutrition as well, because you need to increase the
antioxidants to keep the body healthy from the free radicals.
Day Two
Just stretch for ten to fifteen minutes. If you are near water, maybe swim for ten to
fifteen minutes. Or do a more easy walk if you are sore.
Day Three
Walk briskly for twenty-five minutes. Stretch for fifteen, or if you have it down, it
could only take ten minutes to get a good stretch.
Day Four
Swim and stretch for at least twenty minutes and ten, respectively.
Day Five
You might miss one. . .Or walk maybe longer and easy or hard depending on how
you feel.
Day Six
Walk a good deal faster for thirty minutes. If you feel tight walking, stop after you
break into a light sweat and stretch for a few minutes. Regarding the legs and
gluteus muscles. Then continue, finishing up with a good ten minute stretch.
Day Seven
If you didn’t miss one day, take an easy walk, swim or stretch, maybe do something
with family or friends. If you got sore at all during the week, then rest and just
stretch or swim. Note: I like to add crunchies to all my workouts, strengthen the
abdominals is a good way to trim the belly.
Continue this program until you can walk thirty minutes without losing your breath
at all. This can take two weeks for most people and up to four weeks for others. If it
takes you longer, stay with twenty-five minutes for two months, and then move into
the next level. If within two weeks your body serves you well, you can proceed with
the next level.
We will have an easy day and then a hard day for the rest of the training. If you miss
an easy day, don’t worry about it.
Continue on the following day with a brisk walk for thirty minutes. Now we will start
to burn some fat. From now on, you workouts should last about forty-five minutes.
So give yourself an hour to work it into your daily routine, if you don't feel like
training don't know that you can do something easy.
As you get stronger, your easy days become more like your hard days when you first
started. Walking can increase to five times per week within the first few months,
depending on your body. You have to listen to it and pay attention. If you can get
the advice from a certified personal trainer, please do. It never hurts to have more
information. At this level it’s not as critical as it will be when we start the
strengthening program using weights, running or strengthening exercises.
Six to Eight Weeks
Most bodies will start to enjoy working out from here on out. After six or eight
weeks, start your strength-training program. Once again, listen to your body. If you
don’t feel quite ready at six weeks, take eight. What’s the rush? You have your whole
life ahead of you. At this point is when I recommend the use of a certified personal
You can go in either of two directions with this addition to your program, with
various levels of intensity depending on your body and your abilities.
If you are able and willing to run for your particular goals, you may now start to run.
Start with easy jogging for twenty minutes every other day, and weight training
every other day. Running at this time should be at least three days a week, the same
for weight training. There is some evidence, however, that we could get by with two
days of weight training (solid whole body sessions) and still do okay. Include one
day of rest. The day you rest could be a very easy workout, either stretching,
swimming or family fun.
For weight training we need to start just as easy. Many of us think that weight
training will build large muscles. We see all these big bodybuilders, and although
some of us admire the dedication it takes to build that kind of body, it is not
necessarily true that weight training builds large muscles. It all depends on how you
train, how much you train, and your age as well as the system of training. We know
that by stressing any muscle naturally (exercises) or unnaturally (weights) we work
with the law of irritation and adaptability to produce the result we want.
Basically, this means the body will adapt to irritation. Adapting can mean for size of
muscle as well as for the functioning of the muscle. Adapting also can mean the
heart and lungs adapting to more stress and improving the functioning of this
system (aerobic conditioning). The irritation could be considered the stress exerted
on the body (heart and lungs) by running or walking more and increasing time and
duration. Then we consider strength in the muscles by more and more progressive
exertion (making the body work progressively harder). This can be achieved by
doing more and more pushups or other exercises. Using weight training for
increasing strength, as well as burning more calories, we would have to build by
lifting more times and more weight.
There is another way to use weight training to develop strength as well as
endurance. This system works on the premise that using progressively more weight
builds size and strength. Starting with more weight and then progressively reducing
the weight with longer repetitions, we build endurance in the muscle instead of
bulk. This is a good way to shape the body without building mass.
It’s widely known now that for older women weight or resistance training is
beneficial to stave off osteoporosis.
Please note: This section is not to take the place of medical advice. I recommend
that you speak to your doctor before undertaking any kind of exercise program,
especially weight training. See a professional; it will be a good investment in your
see web pages or []
Othon Molina Ph.d. c LMT has been involved in the health field as a manual therapist and personal trainer for over thirty five years. He has studied with some of the top doctors and healers of our times. His specialty is treating sports injuries, back problems, and teaching others how to improve their health or athletic competition using nutrition and fitness technologies.
One of his specialties is Kinesiology. He has been a runner all his life, and competed in many triathlons, 5k's, 10k's and marathons. Competing at an elite level gave him the experience to help train others. Recently he coached and worked with the female champion of the German team of triathletes.
Some of his clients include: Bob Hope, Jane Seymor, Essam Kashoggy, Jim Nabors, Tony Robbins, Mark Victor Hansen, Carol Burnett, San Francisco Ballet, Allvin Alley Dance troupe, some of the top Olympic and international elite athletes, team doc and new trainer for the German professional triathletes. He also trains massage teams worldwide, as well as health professionals in Hawaii.
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Do You Want to Know What is the Quickest Way to Build Muscle?

Perhaps the quickest way to build muscle is regular exercise combined with a healthy diet. However, it is essential to include sufficient sleep in your exercise and diet in order to build muscle effectively. Exercising all day will not be successful if not combined with proper diet and enough rest.
The first thing you need to do in order to assemble muscle is to identify the kind of muscle you want to build. Lean muscles are built with different aerobic exercises such as swimming, cycling and running. When it comes to the quickest way to build muscle, it is essential to lift weights. In addition, you must make the most of your rest time because weight lifting needs a lot of recovery time, which means that you need to have more time to rest and sleep.
Make sure to have progressive weight training to build muscles quickly. This means that the moment you get familiar to lifting a certain weight, you must increase the amount of weight. This is because the body tends to adapt to a regular kind of stress so weightlifters build large muscles and runners grow lean and long muscles through increasing the levels of their exercise routine.
Make sure to lift weight at least three to four times each week. It is essential to build your strength using resistance and after lifting weights, allow your muscles to repair with sufficient sleep. It is recommended to workout once for three days and perform two workouts for your upper body every week combined with two workouts for your lower body.
Include protein, fats and carbohydrates in your diet in order to build muscles quickly. If you want to strengthen your muscles, you must eat fifteen to eighteen times your current body weight.
Stretching is an important part of every exercise routine so remember to do stretching whenever you are weight lifting. Stretching helps you to restore your weight tissue's actual length, resulting to bigger muscles. For instance, if you are weight lifting for about four hours each week, you must allot additional two hours for stretching.
Though supplements can help in your muscle building routine, only a small number of supplements are effective in building muscles. If you want to take supplements, you must evaluate good supplements and choose those that are high in fish oils, essential vitamins, protein and creatine. These are all adequate for better health and strength. If you want to know the quickest way to build muscle, it is best to search the internet.
For practical advice and information on how to gain muscle fast and build a body that resembles that of a Greek God, please visit our website
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Build Fast Muscle With These Nutritional Heavyweight Super-Soup Recipes

When most people think of bodybuilding foods in order to build fast muscle, Soups are the last on anybodies list. Lacking protein and quality carbohydrates in equal measures.
Well, that's all about to change, as in this article I am bringing you the ultimate Bodybuilding Super Soups that will transform your opinion of the humble soup into a protein packed bodybuilding 'Super Food!'
If Your Not Getting Big Here's Why
We all know guys that train harder down the gym than anyone but still fail to put on any quality muscle gains. So often I hear people complaining about their 'poor genetics,' 'fast metabolisms' and countless other self-defeating excuses of why they fail to pack on size and 'build fast muscle.'
The truth is, ANYONE is capable of gaining size and muscle mass, irrelevant of genetics and other contributing factors.
Ok, only the blessed few of us has the genetic potential to be an IFBB pro but every body can make tremendous gains and is capable to build fast muscle in very short periods with the correct training regime, rest and nutrition.
The problem most people have is not inside of the gym. In fact, it's relatively easy to train hard and to train heavy. The main reason people fail to pack on the beef is primarily down to failing to recognize the biggest truism in bodybuilding.
'The Growth Begins When You LEAVE The Gym'
Simply meaning, it is the rest time and the food that you consume between workouts that will enable your muscles to gain the fuel that they need and to grow.
Most people underestimate the amount of good quality nutrition that they actually need to be able to keep the body in an anabolic (growth) state.
For others you may already be eating healthily but are getting bored of the same old recipes. If so, then the below ideas may seem a little out of your comfort zone.
Trust me. They all taste great and will deliver you a full spectrum of essential nutrients that will prime you for super fast growth and build fast muscle.
So without further ado here is my selection of 3 Bodybuilding Super-Soups that will turbo charge your growth and provide the body with the essential balance of Proteins, Carbohydrates, Fats Vitamins and Minerals that the body requires when looking to build fast muscle in record time.
'Big Mans' Beef and Barley Soup
250g Lean Low Fat Beef Mince 6 Beefsteak Tomatoes 1 Clove Garlic 500g Carrots 125g Barley 3 Tablespoons Tomato Puree 3 Large Stalks of Celery 1 Bay Leaf Handful of Fresh Parsley Large Dash of Pepper 1 Teaspoon Thyme
How To Cook:
Chop the Veg up. Brown the mince in a large pan. Add the Tomato's, Bay Leaf (whole) Tomato Puree, Thyme, Pepper and 5 cups of Water.
Bring it all to the boil, cover and then let it simmer for 50 mins.
After, add the Celery and the Carrots (chopped) Then add the Barley.
Re-cover and let simmer for another hour. This time stir occasionally. Then remove the Bay Leaf and stir in the Parsley just before serving time.
'Turbo Charged' Turkey Soup
250g Deli Turkey (high quality, no skin, no fat) 500g Fresh Asparagus 1/2 Cup Barley 2 Large Potatoes 1 Large Onion 3 Cups 1% Fat Milk 2 Tablespoons Sunflower Spread - or Low Fat Margarine 1 Tablespoon Wholewheat Flour 1/2 Tablespoon Pepper 100g Low Fat Cheddar Cheese 1 Teaspoon Dijon Mustard
How To Cook:
Chop the Turkey up finely. Grate the Cheese, chop the Onion and peel and chop the Potatoes. Add it all to a large pot. Throw in the Margarine, Barley, Mustard, Flour, Milk and Asparagus. Stir, bring to the boil then simmer for 30 mins until serving.
'Muscle Booster' Curried Tuna Soup
1 Can Tuna (In water) 3 Cups Chicken Broth 1/2 Teaspoon lemon Peel 1 Large Apple 1 Large Onion 3 Tablespoons Wholewheat Flour 2 Tablespoons Barley 1/2 Cup Low Fat Sour Cream Large knob of Sunflower Spread 1/4 Cup Brown Rice 2 Teaspoons Madras Curry Powder
How to Cook:
Remove the core from the Apple. Chop it. In a large pan add the Onion (chopped) Apple and the Curry Powder and cook until the Onion is soft.
Add the chicken Broth and bring it all to the boil. Then stir in the Barley and add the Rice. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes. Drain the Tuna, and then add the Flour, the Sour Cream and the Tuna to the Pot. Finally add the lemon peel and then stir until fully mixed. Re-cover and simmer for 5 minutes then serve and enjoy.
So there we have it.
Three Bodybuilding 'Super Soups' packed full of nutrient dense goodness to accelerate your muscle gains. Nutrition is key. Knowledge is power and the body you have always dreamed of can be yours.
To learn the Underground Bodybuilding Secrets that will give you an advantage over 99% of your fellow gym members then read on.
This is just one of the many pieces of the puzzle to effectively Build muscle.
To learn more about the only Full Bodybuilding Systems that are guaranteed to work visit

Building Massive Muscles Quickly Untold Secrets of Total Body Muscle Building

Need to build Big Huge Muscles? Then you should Squat! The Squat will build gigantic muscles on your whole body frame.

There are three kinds of people in this world.

First, there are those that make things happen.
In bodybuilding, they want to grow big and strong with giant large muscles. They SQUAT and squat and squat again. Have you ever seen anyone who is enormous, have huge muscles and have a well proportioned body like a Greek god who doesn't squat? Never.

They will savor the world around them. Then say, we'll see what happens next. 

These are the bulk of the average Joes. They want to grow big muscles and be strong and muscular but are reluctant to make an effort to incorporate the squat in their workout routine. Even if they do, they are going to do it haphazardly and will give up before they achieve their objectives. Then the excuses will flow. That is why average joes just remain well... Average. We shall debunk those excuses later in this article.

They will walk leisurely on a treadmill reading a book at the same time when others are raising their heart rates to boost endurance and burn fats.

They are the ones doing dumbbell curls after dumbbell curls when others are doing bench presses, dead lifts and squats. They're those who ask the champions why the champions are growing biiger muscles and getting fitter all of the time whereas they're at the gymnasium longer, more regular and yet not achieving any result. They will take note of the recommends and next time you see them, they're back to what they were doing. Reading that confounded book on the treadmill. How is that possible? Then they are going to say,'Ah... 

Building Large Muscles Efficitently Untold Secrets of Total Body Muscle Building

To build muscles fast and large, you need to SQUAT! The squat is frequently offered as the king of exercise and is grouped along with the dead lift and bench press, collectively called the Big three for power and muscle mass building.

If you would like to build giant muscles and luxuriate in a symmetrical physique, you have to squat. Period.

In most gymnasium, the squat rack is there collecting dust. Why? Because most people think that their legs will be concealed by their pants. Wait until you see them in their shorts or swim wear. You will see Spiderman ..I mean spider legs.

Another reason why people avoid squatting exercises is really because the squat work on many major muscles and is grueling work. When you perform squats properly, you will huff and pant, wheeze, head spinning woozily, see stars, sweat copiously and your whole body will be screaming for you to stop.

Of course the exercise is brutal! You are working out about 75% of your whole muscular structure including your shoulders, traps, back, gluteus, hams, calf, abs and many other synergistic muscles in a single exercise, isn't that supposed taxed your strength, endurance and your cardio health? Isn't the best exercise? Isn't that why the results from squats will be astounding?

As an extra bonus to building large muscles, you'll be burning fats madly since the squat, given the intensity placed on your body, your metabolism zooms straight up! If your fat proportion is high, it will assist you in losing body fat.

If you squat with the right form, heavy weight and sheer power, you'll see good leads to just weeks. Not just your lower body. Guaranteed!

You must know that since squats are performed with heavy weight, so correct form and techniques are imperative and can't be compromised. However, when you adhere to the right strategy, you'll be terribly safe and will enjoy all the benefits that come with the squat. They are of a different class! 

I recommend checking out The Truth About Quickness as well. You can read the review here.
(ArticlesBase SC #1088282)

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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

How To Build Muscle - week 1 to week 2 Upper

How To Use Protein To Build Your Muscles

If you want to build large muscles and lose weight at the same time a high protein diet is a must. Both goals are closely related, because when you are building muscles, you will also produce metabolism. And the metabolism burns fat. So the higher level of metabolism, the more weight you will lose.

To build your muscle mass, you have to work out. In practice that means to stress the muscles to point of failure. And this is reached when you cannot do another repetition. Then it is time to stop, because if you continue, you may sustain injury.

When you exercising your muscles to their point of failure, you are telling the body that it can expect the same amount of stress in the future. This will make the body grow the muscles.

The repairing process starts immediately after you stop working out. And to prepare themselves for the new and higher stress level, they will not just grow to the previous state. The will grow even larger.

So to grow larger muscles, you have to break them down and build them up again. And to do that you have to feed your body. And the food for your body is protein.

You can find protein in a lot of food like poultry, eggs, fish etc. So you have to figure out how much protein you have to consume each day to build the muscles.

A rule of thumb says that for every pound you weight, you have to consume 1g of protein; if you work out intensely. E.g. you have to consume 140g protein per day, if your weight is 140 pound.

It can be difficult to find the right amount of protein. Too high protein consumption will result in more fat, and too little will mean that you are not getting the muscles, you wished for.

The simple way to follow is to go for a high protein diet and cut down on carbohydrate and fat. Then it will not be a problem if some of the protein is converted to fat.

You can supplement your normal meals with protein supplements, if you are having problems getting enough proteins. Then you are also not getting to many calories from the real food.

A positive side effect (besides larger muscles) is that a high protein diet plan also will boost your immune system; and thereby improve your general health.
(ArticlesBase SC #1574277)

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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Basic Hammer Curls for Big Guns

Building Muscle Mass - Body Building Tips

To Build More Muscle, Lift More Weight

If you're looking to build more muscle, you have to start lifting more weight.
That's one of the biggest problems I see as a personal trainer in the gym each day.
Many people want to build more muscle, but they do not strive to progress upwards in the amount of weight they lift. If that is the case, continually gaining lean muscle and strength can be prohibited.
I often speak with women who are fearful of lifting more weight because they do not want to build large muscles.
I explain to them that it's almost impossible for women to gain muscle mass like men can because of the lack of the amount of the sex hormone testosterone that creates this growth of muscle.
Since women do not produce enough testosterone, the likelihood of building large muscles is virtually impossible.
Women that you see on TV or in magazines with large, man-like muscles, either use muscle-enhancing substances (steroids) or they naturally produce more testosterone than most women.
It is very difficult for women to build bulky muscles.
You must strive to continuously increase your weights lifted over time. Muscle will only grow if it is forced, or coerced, into growing. You force it by lifting progressively heavier weight.
Muscle growth is simply a result of placing demand on your body. When you lift a weight that is heavier than you are used to, your body will start to add muscle to handle the extra demand (weight) you are placing on it.
As you continually lift heavier weights over a long period of time, your body will continue to adapt to the additional demand being placed on it, by building more muscle.
If you continuously lifted the same amounts of weight over time, the body would become used to that weight and new muscle growth would not need to occur. It has no reason to add more muscle because the muscle you currently have can handle the demand.
When you start lifting more weight, then your body needs new muscle to handle this additional demand, creating new lean muscle tissue to handle this demand.
Any new and additional muscle growth you achieve will have a direct impact on the number of calories you burn. So, for long term success in weight loss and fitness, continue to lift progressively heavier weights as you continue on in your program.
How do you know how much weight to lift?
If you are just starting a lifting program, keep it light and easy and learn proper form. As you progress, start to increase the weights you lift but decrease the amount of times (reps) that you lift the weight.
Something happens when you do this. If you lessen the amount of times you have to lift something, shouldn't the amount of weight you can lift increase?
Suppose if you had to lift 100 pounds 10 times. You manage it and it's not that difficult. Now, say you only have to lift it 6 times.
If you managed to do it 10 times at 100 pounds, shouldn't you be able to increase the weight if you only have to do it 6 times now?
So, as you progress into your weight training workout, begin to lessen the amount of reps and instead increase the weight.
Increase the weight to 150 pounds and lift it 6 times.
The more weight you lift, the more muscle you need to adapt to the additional weight. The more your body needs to adapt to more resistance, the more growth that will occur.
The more lean muscle tissue you have, the more calories burned and the more weight loss...see how weight lifting/resistance training has a direct impact on fat loss and weight management?
Six repetitions are a great number for you to shoot for.
A repetition is one movement. A set of movements is called a set. If you were to do a set of 10 repetitions, you would have to move the weight 10 times.
Start a particular weight lifting exercise (bench press, bicep curls) with a nice, easy set of 10 reps. The next set do eight, and the last two sets, do 6 reps.
Follow this for ALL exercises. When you can do more than six reps for that given weight, you simply add more weight and continue to shoot for six reps.
As you continue up in weight over time, that's proof that you are getting stronger and are adding more lean muscle to your body. This, in turn, is a future investment in burning off more calories.
So to build more muscle, you need to lift more weight.
Learn how to build muscle and lose fat in the least amount of time possible. Personal trainer and natural bodybuilder Shawn Lebrun shows you exactly how: Visit Shawn Lebrun Fitness
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