Thursday, December 16, 2010

4 Great Muscle Building Strategies For Superior Strength And Growth

Follow these rules of muscle gain and you will be growing larger and leaner in no time. The following tips are meant to help you pack on muscle mass through proven techniques and strategies.

1 - Manipulate Your Calorie Intake

If you want to grow, then you are going to have to up your calorie intake. Your body will need more calories than it burned in order for it to grow. That is why it is a good idea to keep track of how many calories you are getting in every meal. You also want to keep track of the amount of calories that you are burning. This is the number one rule when you are trying to pack on mass. It is not all about how much weight you are lifting, but how many calories that are supporting your muscle growth.

2 - Get Enough Rest

This is the most underestimated of all muscle building strategies. You are not going to grow in the gym when you are lifting weights, you grow when your muscles are at rest. You grow the most when you are sleeping. The ideal muscle building schedule is to sleep for 10 hours a night, train in the morning, nap, train in the evening, and repeat 6 days a week. After stimulation, your muscles are broken down and need the rest to rebuild themselves.

3 - Eat Frequent Meals

This is good for a few different reasons. The first thing that it will do for you is deliver a steady stream of nutrients to muscles during the course of the day. This will keep your muscles flooded with the protein that they need to build themselves. Eating small frequent meals also keeps your metabolism running fast and helps you to burn unwanted fat. You are less likely to snack because you are never really hungry if you are eating 5 to 7 meals a day. This is ideal for muscle building and fat burning at the same time.

4 - Lift Heavy Weight

When I say heavy weight, I do not mean that you should listen to your ego when you are lifting. Lift weight that you can get for 6 reps with total control. That is the rep range that will have you lifting the right amount of weight to safely stimulate the muscle into growing. This weight should be raised every workout or every other workout in order to keep progressing and getting stronger. When you are building a foundation of strength and muscle, you want to stay away from moderate amount of weight and high reps. This will only overwork the muscle, and release cortisol into your body.

Incorporate these techniques into your weight training and muscle building program to get great results. All of these methods are proven over the years to work very well, so give them all a try and make them work for you.

To discover over 27 specific secrets for losing body fat and getting a lean flat stomach, see the unique workouts and nutrition tips at:

Here's to wishing you a leaner, healthier, stronger body!

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Packing On The Pounds When You Are Skinny - There Is One Vital Ingredient That You Must Follow

If you have gone through life being under weight, then you know how difficult it can be to gain any weight. Being skinny is not any more fun than being over weight. The insults may be different, but they can cut just as much. The bad part is that when you are skinny, it's not as easy to gain weight as it is to lose weight. It's actually much harder and any one who is naturally thin will tell you just how hard it is.

Usually what happens is a person gets tired of being called things like "twig" or "stick" and decides to do something about it. The first thing they usually do is try to eat more than they are now. For a skinny person though, this is not the easiest thing in the world to do. People who are naturally thin already eat more than most people anyway. Their metabolism burns up calories so fast that they almost have to eat a lot or they will be constantly hungry.

Once they realize that eating more is just not going to cut it, they usually got pick up some kind of muscle building magazine with one of those huge guys on the cover. Inside the magazine is a workout routine that is supposed to help you add the weight you are looking for. The problem that you run into is those exercises are created for people who are already half way decent sized and won't work for someone who is skinny.

The one big missing ingredient to this whole process is the fact that you are not following someone who has been skinny before. They say the best way to learn something is to follow the path that was created by someone who has already come from the same situation you are in now. IT makes total sense if you think about it.

When a doctor is learning to do surgery, they learn from someone who has done that type of surgery before. When a auto mechanic fixes your engine, they learned how to do that from someone who had taken apart an engine before. So why would you try to figure out how to gain weight from someone who had never been skinny before? Many times this is the one key factor that stops people from being able to pack on the pounds they so desperately want to add.

You don't have to continue to be skinny! You can end the name calling and build confidence in the way you look just by doing what someone in your shoes has already done.

To see a proven blueprint on how a naturally thin person can make the changes they want and finally put on some weight, Click Here.

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Muscle Nutrition Plan - What Is The Correct Way To Eat To Gain Muscle Mass Fast?

It doesn't matter how hard you work out. If you don't follow the right nutrition you will not gain muscle mass. But, what is the right nutrition?

Here are a few tips that can point you in the right direction:

Choose the healthiest ways to prepare your food: eat roast beef instead of fried beef, fresh vegetables instead of cooked vegetables, etc.
Consume at least one gram of protein per pound of body weight and three to four times that amount in carbohydrates. Protein will help your muscles grow and carbohydrates will provide you with enough energy to complete your workouts.
Do not eliminate fat from your diet: fat is needed to produce thermogenesis (internal heat) and promote a feeling of satiety. Eating some fat can help you increase muscle mass and allow you to train harder.
Instead of eating two or three big meals, divide your daily calories into five or six small portions, or eat every two or three hours. Each meal should contain protein, carbohydrates and fats in the following proportion: 20 to 30% Proteins, 60-70% Carbohydrates, and 10-20% Fats. This meal frequency and composition will keep your blood glucose levels steady and your muscles will be constantly well fed.
Drink plenty of fluids. Even the slightest dehydration can affect your athletic ability and physical fitness in general. Too much water is better than too little. Remember that the human body has a water content of 55 to 65 percent. Your muscles contain 60-70 percent water.
Increase your sodium intake. Sodium is an essential mineral that is lost due to the sweating caused by the workouts. You can increase your sodium intake by consuming canned food and nutritional supplements. However, sodium is contraindicated in cases of extreme obesity and hypertension.
Supplement your diet with vitamins and minerals. Vitamins can prevent the deterioration of muscle cells and fight the free radicals produced by high-intensity workouts. Vitamins C and E promote the anabolic process and the recovery, regeneration and cell growth of muscles. Chromium, selenium and zinc can also be very helpful. Chromium is a trace mineral, essential for the metabolism of glucose and is recommended for patients with diabetes and hypoglycemia. Another benefit is that it decreases LDL levels and increases good cholesterol. Chromium promotes the loss of body fat and the secretion of the hormone testosterone that can increase your strength and help you build larger muscles. Zinc promotes cell growth and testosterone production. Its deficiency can result in male impotence and loss of sex drive in women. Studies have shown that only one month of zinc deficiency can reduce the levels of testosterone in men by 20 percent.

Gaining muscle mass doesn't have to be hard. You only need to know the right techniques. There are actually only 3 factors that must be taken into account: training, eating and sleeping. The process is actually quite simple, if you use a few powerful muscle building secrets.

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How I Learned To Deadlift More Weight By Watching A Chinese Monk Lift Weights With His Testicles

Chinese Buddhist monks have a hard time of it. In their country, the authorities don't really tolerate the monks unless they can 'pull their own weight' (so to speak) by bringing in an income. And usually, this income comes from foreign tourists who are happy to spread a bit of money around in exchange for some entertainment.

Monks who do this are all about putting on a grand spectacle for the paying customers. These guys take advantage of the rumors and legends about their martial arts prowess by putting on shows involving martial arts, tricks with old weapons like swords and staves, and demonstrations of chi -- the mystical 'life force' energy that they claim can be harnessed in astounding ways.

So I was watching these martial arts master monks putting on their show for the tourists, and I have to tell you, it was very entertaining. There was a lot of shouting, and flashing of big, showy curved swords, and what seemed to be death-defying tricks and feats of fighting skill. But as the show progressed, the excitement levels seemed to be running down. Most of the showmen were doing the same sorts of things over and over.

But then, people in the crowd began to whisper to each other that the 'testicle guy' was going to finish out the remainder of the show. Having never seen this group of performers before, I had no idea what the 'testicle guy' was all about. But you better believe I wanted to find out. It sounded exciting.

Sure enough, this old man came out with some jugs, straps, string, and other weird-looking pieces of paraphernalia. Then, much to the feigned embarrassment of the female tourists, he whipped out his testicles and attached some sort of leather sleeve around them.

As you can imagine, he then hung all sorts of weights from his testicles (yeah, really!) and basically squatted up and down, lifting the weights with his super-energized scrotum chi power.

Suffice it to say, he got the loudest and most sustained applause of the entire show. At least he did from the women; most of the men were wincing in sympathetic discomfort.

But then, I began to think about this testicle lifting. It was really, really impressive. But not because the weights he lifted were outrageously heavy. They were not. As far as I could tell, he didn't lift more than 15 or 20 pounds in total. What made the lifts mind-blowingly amazing was the fact that he lifted weight with such a weak part of his body.

And this got me to thinking further about my deadlifts and other 'pulling' lifts like pullups and rows. I asked myself: what makes these exercises difficult when the weight gets heavy? It's not the strain they put on the 'big' muscles of the body. Rather, it's the fact that we have to use our hands and forearms to hang on to a heavily-loaded barbell.

Much like the testicles and/or scrotum were the weak link in the Monk's demonstration lifts, the gripping strength in the hands is the weak link that holds back progress in my deadlifts. And once I realized this, I used a few simple tricks to increase my gripping ability and it was like I became stronger overnight.

You don't need to watch a Chinese martial arts master lift jugs of stones with his testicles to learn the secrets of grip strength. Check out this free report for a simple, time-tested way to increase your weight lifting totals. While you're at it, click through to weight lifting straps and learn how to bypass grip strength and build muscle mass directly.

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3 Tips to Increase Your Bench Press by 25 Pounds or More in 4 Weeks

If you want to bench 300 pounds, and you're able to hit 225 or more right now, then you're about to discover important tips for increasing your bench press by 25 pounds or more in just 4 weeks.

When I was at my strongest (310 bench, 225 for 14 reps at 190lbs), I benched twice per week. Heavy, low reps on Monday and 5x5 with 225 on Thursday (along with a lot of upper back and assistance work). That system worked AWESOME for me...BUT of course, it is rough on the shoulder. However, it was still my best bench program.

And that system should help any guy struggling to go from 275 to 300. I also used a lot of board pressing, often in place of regular flat bench.

Allowed me to use more weight with a reduced range of motion and built up strength that was assisted by the full ROM 5x5 later in the week. That was with a training partner. Whenever I trained by myself, I simply used my foam roller and stuck it under my shirt to simulate a 3-board press.

The key is to train smart. That's a lot of benching, but I built up over time.

The 3rd and final tip is to simply plan your program. For me, there were 4 workouts per week. I started with the heavy bench workout plus lots of rowing and one more pressing exercise (either dumbbell chest press or shoulder press).

The second workout was dedicated to squats, followed by a day off. Then came the 5x5 bench day, along with more upper back exercises, along with triceps extensions. And finally, I finished the week with deadlifts and abs.

That program was a good example of training smarter. I wasn't doing 5 sets of chest once per week and wondering why my bench press was not increasing.

Here's how you can use "smarter training" for results:

Look at your body like a science experiment. Add a stimulus. Measure response. Adjust as needed. One variable at a time when possible. Find out what is working. Don't just "do more for the sake of doing more".

Blend persistence with experimentation. Stay with your goal but don't beat your head against a stone wall. Try new approaches. Experiment. And never, ever, EVER give up on something that is important to you.

That's how you increase your bench press to over 300 pounds.

Get FREE instant access to more sample fat burning workouts at:

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines and will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment.

Discover the muscle building workout that'll get you benching 300 pounds in no time.

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

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How To Gain Weight Fast For Men - Answering The Gain Weight Questions So Many Want To Know

How to gain weight fast for men is really not as difficult of a problem as it is made out to be. Being a hard gainer is not a lot of fun by any means and usually leads to a good amount of being made fun of by those who aren't skinny at a young age. This can take quite the toll on a persons confidence and often times leads people to think that they are in some way inferior to those who don't have to ask the question "how do you gain weight".

As time goes on, it becomes more and more of a "quest" so to speak to learn how to gain weight fastest for men. The constant being made fun of has forced a person to take action and find some way, any way, to put on some pounds. This usually leads to a never ending journey of struggle and disappointment unfortunately.

There are quite a few books out there that claim to tell you the best what to learn how to gain weight fast for men, but there is a very big problem with almost every one of them. Just look at the people on the cover of these programs and it's pretty obvious that they have never in their life had to deal with being skinny. The workout plan that is inside of these books very well may say they can show you how to gain weight quick, but you have to realize they are made for people who are NOT skinny!

This is where marketing comes into play and it really annoys me to an extent. People are actually struggling to put on a few pounds just so they can feel a bit better about the way they look and they think that if they buy a magazine with some big muscle head on the cover they can get the same results. Not going to happen.

Here's the reality and the truth. If you want to learn how to gain weight fastest for men, then you need to follow the path forged by someone who has been there before. This means you need to follow a plan that was created by someone who was just as skinny as you are that has figured out how to have the success you are looking for.

This is something that really isn't talked about much because it's not as "glamorous" as some of the fancy magazine covers we all see in stores. People seem to think that if it's in a magazine that it must work right? Wrong!

No matter what you do, if you want to have success, you need to do what someone who was in your position right now did. They know what you are going through because they have been there before and they also know what it takes to come out the other side with the results you want. It's called being trained by someone with experience with your situation and it's something that many people tend to over look.

Figuring out how to gain weight fast for guys really isn't that hard. What's hard is making them understand that it's not the huge guy on the magazine that is going to get you there. It's the guy who shows you how skinny they once were and how well they look now. Most of those guys on the magazine covers can't do that because they've never been there.

Once you are on the right track by following a proper workout program as well as proper diet, you will be amazed at just how much faster the results will come for you. Putting in the effort is really the hard part at that point once you have to program picked out. But if you chose a program that is not tailored to someone like yourself, then it really doesn't matter what kind of effort you put in. To put it simply, you will be doing nothing but spinning your wheels if you don't take the program selection serious.

Hundreds of people have started seeing the results they were looking for once they added the vital piece of the puzzle a proper workout program is.

Here's the thing, you don't have to continue to be skinny! You can end the name calling and build confidence in the way you look just by doing what someone in your shoes has already done.

You can learn more on how to gain weight fast for men and high calorie foods to gain weight at our blog.

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How To Build Big Muscles - 3 Steps To Hugeness

How to build big muscles is the question on the mind of just about every would be bodybuilder, especially when we are starting out. The trouble is that you can find so much conflicting information out there that it's hard to know where to turn or what to do. Check out the rest of this article to find out how to build big muscles.

Step 1

Unless you have an extremely physical day job or something like that in your life, the chances are that to build up your muscles you are going to need to get into some kind of regular weight training regimen. There's no known method how to build big muscles without some kind of resistance. This is not as time consuming and tiring as it seems, and once you get started you'll find that within a few weeks your workout is automatic.

Step 2

Don't let yourself plateau. When you first start working out, over the course of the first few weeks you'll find you get a whole lot stronger than you were. This is due to dormant muscle fibers being awoken by the vigorous stimulation. A lot of people get to this stage when they first find out how to build big muscles, but then stop challenging themselves with the amount of weight they are lifting. If you don't lift enough, you'll barely see any gains at all, so make sure you increase the weight as you get stronger.

Step 3

Remember the golden rule - if you want to know how to build big muscles, lift heavy weights with low reps, and if you want to add definition and tone to the muscle you have, lighter weights and more reps are the key. Just remember, next time you are at the gym and you see people sweating over doing 15-20 reps, it may seem tough but it won't make them any bigger.

Step 4

Add some variety. The human body is perfectly evolved, and so you'll find that the same exercises all the time are less strenuous for you, so you get less gain. This can really trouble your quest to learn how to build big muscles. This is due to certain parts of each muscle becoming stronger and thus able to deal with things more efficiently. To combat this, mix it up a little, rotate your routine every few weeks so you can keep it all fresh and keep your muscles guessing.

So there you are, that's how to build big muscles in a nutshell. The tips are aimed at someone just starting out, but these principles will always apply to any kind of strength training. Click the links below for some more tips.

CLICK HERE to get your free review of the best workout plans - they'll have you ripped and with single digit body fat in no time - it's right here, and it's fast and easy

CLICK HERE for the best resources on the net for teaching how to burn fat right off your body- Not only that but you'll also learn how to get more gains in less time and what foods are REALLY good for building muscle

Brian Waters is webmaster at

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

2 Weird Secrets To Building Muscle

So here it is my two Weird Secrets that I use in every aspect of my training to consistently improve and build muscle.

1. Muscle Connection

In order to develop your body it is vital to be able to directly connect with each individual muscle you are exercising.

We have all witnessed guys bouncing there Pecs around in time with music. You may be under the impression that in order to do this you need to have a massive pair of man tits. This is not the case; with practice anyone can tense their Pecs separately and make them dance!

People with this ability are demonstrating the kind of Muscle Connection needed in order to get the maximum from each exercise. Being able to focus your mind on an individual muscle and maintain tension on that muscle throughout an exercise is the key to making MASSIVE gains.

I have developed a technique whereby I tense target muscles throughout the day in order to allow my brain to be able to isolate specific muscles within my body during exercise.

Let's say for example Monday night I will be doing a chest workout, all day Monday I will continue to tense and relax my chest muscles in order to build that Muscle Connection and Focus my concentration on exercises when I do eventually workout.

The Flexing of specific muscles can be done at anytime throughout the day, even while sat at your desk working. You should develop this technique for every muscle you plan to develop.

2. Muscle Contraction

To get the maximum from any given exercise you need to make each rep work the muscle for the longest amount of time possible. In order to achieve this I aim to tense my muscle solid for the duration of the exercise.

I will use the standard Bicep Curl as an example to explain this.

When carrying out the Bicep Curl movement it is normal for people to relax in the start position with the Dumbbell down by hanging down by your side.

As you attempt to curl the Dumbbell, in a Semi Circular movement, up to the peak position your Bicep muscle is under stress. At the peak people generally rest a moment then return the Dumbbell to the start position.

When I carry out the Bicep Curl, in the start position I am already tensing my Bicep to its maximum possible contraction in that position. As I curl the Dumbbell upwards I am almost fighting with it to keep my Bicep completely tense throughout. At the peak of the movement my Bicep is fully contracted. I hold the peak contraction for a moment before returning to the start position whilst keeping my Bicep under maximum contraction throughout.

Do not rest at the bottom of the movement, keep the Bicep under contraction and repeat for the desired number of reps.

A muscle is only developing for the instances when it is under maximum load, by keep the contraction 100% throughout the movement you are increasing the length of time the muscle is under load therefore increasing the muscles total development. If we think about this for a moment, a standard bicep curl your Bicep is under Maximum load for maybe 3 seconds before it gets a rest. My method your Bicep is under maximum load for maybe 60 seconds before rest.

By the way, are you interested in finding out the best workouts to incorporate these techniques and transform your body? Click the link below and follow the instructions:

Muscle Transformation

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Build Large Muscles - Muscle body building

Build Large Muscles - Muscle body building

Watch the video at youtube :

The Push Up Versus The Bench Press: Which Is Better?

Surprisingly, rumors say that push-ups are better than the bench press. How can this be? Let's take a look:

The Bench Press

The bench press is obviously better if you are trying to increase chest muscle size for aesthetic reasons. In fact, if you want maximum strength and chest development, the pushup simply can't touch the bench press. Bench pressing places a lot of load on your muscles which is good for muscle development and it also does strengthen your bones, but that's where the bench press's glory ends. Being able to bench 400lbs does not mean the bench press is better than the pushup necessarily.

The one problem with the bench press is that no matter how much you do your body is immobilized by lying down on the bench. This means that when you're lifting any amount of weight, you are not engaging your core mid-section and stabilizer muscles - eventually this will lead to what is called muscle imbalance and possibly lead to injuries in your day-to-day life. The bench stabilizes you itself which means you unknowingly neglect those smaller stabilizer muscles in your back, abs, and even your legs. Let's not forget to mention that the more weight you lift on the bench press the more prone you are to joint injuries.

The Push Up

As for the pushup, although it does not demand as much strength from your chest (for some variations), it is an ancient calisthenic exercise which promotes many other muscles indirectly and engages your core. Why is this important? Because the core of your body is the essential source of power and strength - "core strength."

There are so many variations of the push-up to increase or decrease resistance and to help build a stronger and better core. It is also a natural exercise for your body but don't underestimate how much strength, power, and endurance you can achieve from doing push ups. Although you may not get a huge ripping chest, you can still get a sizable and natural looking chest. Do you really want a chest with so much muscle mass that it limits your range of motion? I wouldn't. Pushups are not just a supplemental exercise, they can also be the main focus of your chest workouts. Let's not forget to mention that push-ups will naturally help you in your day-to-day life and will help you avoid injuries.

So which is better?

The answer is simple: The pushup. But to each his own. Having a core that is strong and stabilized is more appealing for some. Besides what's more impressive, being able to do Planche push-ups and one handed push-ups, or 400 lbs on the bench press?

There are many more variations of the push up with varying levels of difficulty, find out some Brutal Calisthenic Exercises for your Chest

With push ups, you can build chest muscles and strength to your inner, outer, upper, and lower chest. Calisthenic Exercises for Your Chest

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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Electronic Muscle Stimulator, Tried and True Fitness Technology

Electronic muscle stimulator, People actually use those things?

If you are asking yourself these questions or others then keep reading what you are about to learn may surprise you. Like for instance did you know that these devices are regulated by the FDA? Well they are and they have been for quite some time now. I bet you're wondering if they actually work as advertised and shed flab with little to no effort like most websites claim. Actually yes and no, an electronic muscle stimulator does work for toning and strengthening muscles but some effort on your part is required.

Just like weights and gym equipment work by strengthening your muscles and toning your figure EMS' do the same. Also like weights and equipment, EMS' won't work if you don't use them or use them as your only form of exercise. An electronic muscle stimulator is intended to complement and enhance a sensible diet and exercise plan not replace one. That means you should stay clear of any advertisement claiming amazing unbelievable results with only the use of an EMS. Nothing in this world comes overnight and there are no shortcuts, if there were then no one would have anything to complain about!

The negative connotation most people have about these devices stem from infomercials and internet marketers just trying to make a quick buck. Have you ever stopped to think about how long these things have been around? It would be safe to assume that if they provided little or no benefit then they would no longer be manufactured or let alone regulated by the FDA. Simply put these devices if used properly can have a very positive impact on your weight loss and health goals.

So who uses these things; or who could benefit from using them?
Quite frankly any individual looking to improve their health and muscle tone should consider adding an electronic muscle stimulator to their routine. Physical therapists routinely use muscle stimulators to stop muscle atrophy stemming from nerve damage or inactivity. Bodybuilders use them for toning and defining hard to target muscle groups and attaining the extreme muscle definition they are known for. Elderly patients that have limited mobility also benefit from using an electronic muscle stimulator.

I bet you are wondering if these devices can help you shed belly flab and slim your figure. I knew you were thinking that, and actually yes they can help you lose body fat. They don't however target specific parts of your body; unfortunately your body doesn't work that way. Adding a muscle stimulator to your exercise routine will however provide a boost in lean muscle mass. Lean muscle mass is what burns fat and calories in the body it needs fat and calories for fuel. The more lean muscle you have the more calories you burn during your exercise routine. To get more information on adding a muscle stimulator to your workout click on the links below. No wonder millions of people and countless professionals use these machines on a daily basis.

Visit our website and receive a free, yes free in-depth workout and diet plan for men and women who want to lose fat and gain as much muscle as they want. Also get free tips for staying healthy and getting the body you deserve. Plus find out why you are cheating yourself out of gains and slowing down the fat burning process by not using an electronic muscle stimulator. From Bigtimegains.

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Packing On The Muscle - How to Quickly Build Muscles Without Surgery

Physique constructing physical exercise, of course, is the very best method to do away with the calories and burn fat. It's the very best solution that may assist a person with regards to packing on muscle mass fat. Exercising is as a result a fantastic step that 1 ought to think about so as to reside a wholesome life that's totally free of diseases and tension. The sacred guidelines have significantly helped people in losing fat and in maintaining the suggested physique fat.

These guidelines state that a person ought to at least consider food five times within a day right after each 3 or two hours. This really is simply because 1 has to maintain his or her program full of amino acid and glycogens which are nutrients got from foods which are wealthy in proteins and from carbs too. In the event you would like to facilitate the development of the muscle tissues to the extreme ranges, you should make sure that you consider proteins in big quantities and carry out physique constructing practices frequently. In the event you don't eat as it's needed of you, starvation might come in and thus your physique will probably be forced to consume the muscle mass tissue and this may not bring about any progress to your health.

You ought to be ready to center your bodybuilding program in a large compound movements for instance the presses and squats. By doing this you will probably be in a position to aim for efficiency effort and operate a number of muscle tissues with a couple of sets. Squats are in a position to train one's squads and they also train the lower back as a result direct operate for the muscle tissues that help throughout this physical exercise is minimal. This really is fantastic simply because it leaves much more on the recovery capability that assists within the development procedure when 1 is resting.

An additional essential thing to note is that you simply ought to not carry out greater than thirty exercise sets throughout any exercise, less exercise is usually very best whenever you wish to pack on the muscle mass fat. You ought to not train greater than two days consecutively simply because recovery period is essential for both the muscle tissues and also the entire nervous program. This really is so simply because when 1 takes a rest right after the physical exercise, the muscle tissues recover and this really is what facilitates their development. Numerous individuals ignore resting period not knowing that it's extremely essential for the muscle mass development.

With regards to packing on muscle mass fat, proteins are extremely important and it's suggested that you simply consider drinks which are wealthy in it instantly right after each coaching session for it to boost the insulin ranges and help in muscle mass protein synthesis. This may significantly lead to quicker development as you never expected. Breaks are also essential for the people who are involved in physique constructing activities. High intensity coaching for greater than four weeks calls for a break which ought to either consider 1 week and gives room for complete recuperation which in most instances promotes new development spurt. Make sure that you maintain the cruise control on by all means for you to meet your goals and reside a happy life.

Learn the secrets in using your own body weight and the law of gravity to INCREASE your muscle mass as you strip away the unwanted fat. Click the link now to start - Packing On The Muscle

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Muscular Imbalances in the Body: How To Fix Them For Good

One of the top issues that a good personal trainer must address is muscular imbalance. Muscular imbalances in the hip or pelvic areas are common problems here. So what exactly is muscular imbalance? Let us look at this term together, and discover how to address it in any fitness routine or exercise programme you may undertake.

In a nutshell, muscular balances explain what happens when a person has uneven levels of strength in certain muscle groups, which result in uneven forces on joints. Of course, the results of this are many and varied, not the least of which is pain in the joints and muscles.

Let me give you a common example of this. When the muscles on the front of the hip and leg are stronger than the glutes and hamstrings which are on the back of the hip and leg, this can result in knee and lower back pain. This is true, because the hip muscles are weak, therefore the hip flexors and quadriceps and lower back muscles overcompensate for this weakness.

Muscle imbalances in the hip and elsewhere in your body can lead to other problems too, and these must be addressed in your clients if you are a personal trainer. Here are two other examples.

1. Poor posture in a person's body can result in chronic pain and or injury.

This injury can be exacerbated in the gym when you start your exercise programme. Sitting at a desk with your feet cured up all the time will create imbalances in your muscles over time. Getting up and exercising those legs regularly will help.

2. Your performance in sporting activities can be significantly decreased.

So if you or your clients are into running, cricket, football, basketball or other sports, this can suffer. So then, if your goal is to improve your personal performance, or your client's performance in any sporting activity, you will have to address these issues until the muscle imbalances are fixed.

This does take time, expertise, and practice, but as a personal trainer or coach, you can use your superior knowledge to help your clients or customers achieve greater levels of success and performance in any sphere. Here are two quick ways to address muscle imbalances in the human body.

1. You should stretch tight muscles on a daily basis.

This advice sounds very simple yet but many people ignore this simple solution either because it is painful or because they do not know how to do this properly. Ignoring this can result in injuries.

2. You will also want to strengthen your weaker muscles.

For example, your biceps and triceps are opposing muscles. You will want to strengthen the weaker muscles to create a balance. Naturally, when one muscle is tight, the other muscle is weak. Massages, medicine balls, or other methods can help to relax the tighter muscles.

If you are a client needing help in this area, a qualified consultant or fitness professional can help you. Understanding muscle imbalances can be the key to a better body and better performances.

Muscle Imbalances Revealed is a ground-breaking DVD course that will teach you everything you need to know to help yourself or your clients reach optimum performance and avoid injuries. Check out my review of this programme above. You can find additional resources too at: Personal Fitness Training

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How To Build Muscle Mass - 7 Quick Tips To Better Muscle Fitness WorkoutsHow To Build Muscle Mass - 7 Quick Tips To Better Muscle Fitness Workouts

Knowing how to build muscle mass is something that every bodybuilder wants the answer to. After all, it's the main component of all muscle building work outs. This article will give you 7 quick tips to help you build muscle mass that you can immediately put in your workout routine.

1. Optimize Your Lifting

Building more muscle mass will require more force in lifting. What I mean by that is the heavier the weight is, as well as how fast you push it, creates force. This force will in turn build more muscle.

2. Use Dumbbells

Avoid using the machines and stick to the basics in your muscle building work outs. Dumbbells are the best due to their increased range of motion. They allow you to work many different muscles during your training.

3. Cut Out Any Aerobics

While aerobics are great for cardio, they won't help in building muscles. In fact, they interfere with muscle building and burn glycogen.

4. Eat Meat And Fish

Be sure to eat lean red meats and fish. Such as, salmon that contains high amounts of Omega-3. The proteins in meat will enhance and create added muscle growth. The more the better!

5. Add Supplements To Your Diet

In order to get the most out of your muscle fitness workouts, add supplements like glutamine and creatine. If you have a low level of glutamine it will only prevent optimal muscle growth. By adding supplements such as glutamine you will encourage more growth.

6. Take It To The Max

Another solution to how to build muscle mass is to train heavy and push yourself. Instead of 3 sets of 6 reps with 35 pound curls, push it to 50 pounds and do 1 set of 10. The point is to push yourself until you can no longer move the muscle.

7. Rest

I can't stress the importance of this enough. There are many bodybuilders who fail to build muscle mass fast because they overtrain. They never give their body a chance to recover. By giving your body the rest it needs, you will be able to restore glycogen levels and allow your muscles to return to optimum levels.

These are only a few tips that can help in knowing how to build muscle mass. Put them into your muscle fitness workouts and you should begin seeing results quickly.

All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active and do not edit the article in any way.

Terry Edwards has been an avid bodybuilder for over 10 years. You can get your own FREE 7 part muscle building mini-course [], just by visiting: []

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How To Build Big Defined Calf Muscles? Your Calf Muscle Is Stubborn

Bodybuilders have always complained that the calf muscles are the hardest to build. I am sure you have seen many big guys in the gym with incredibly out of proportion small calf muscle.

Building big strong calf muscles not only will make you lower body more pleasing to the eye, it will also help tremendously in your sports and games giving you more power in your sprints and jumps. You calf muscles along with your quadriceps will also help to support your knee joints, reducing wear and tear.

The great Arnold Schwarzenegger once said, "Everyday you walk around. When you walk you are using your calves. You are pushing at least your body weight every time you take a step. So, when you go to the gym and work out your calves with light weight, are you really stressing your muscles?"

Think about it. Whenever you walk, jump or run, your calf muscles are pushing at least your body weight. That will mean that in order to build your calf muscles, you will have to lift heavy. Real heavy. So the kids gloves are off when you want to build a strong beautiful diamond shaped calves.

The major muscles on your calves are the soleus and the gastrocnemius muscles. The soleus muscles are the wide and flat muscle located on the tibia and the fibula. The gastrocnemius muscles are the large muscles located near the middle and goes to the top of the fibula and tibia.

The gastrocnemius muscle is made up of the medial head (inner calve) and the lateral head (outer calve) muscles.

So what are good calf muscles exercises? Here are 2 of the more common calf muscle exercises.

DONKEY CALF RAISES One of Arnold's favorite calf muscle exercises is the Donkey Raise. He has 2 gym buddies sitting on his back whenever he does this exercise and you can imagine how big and heavy Arnold's gym buddies are.

Just bend over and support yourself on a bench, have your gym buddy, the heavier the better to sit on your back as if you are a donkey, then raise your heels off the floor, and pause at the top and squeeze hard for full muscle contraction, then return to your original position by lowering your heels almost touching the floor. That will be one rep. If your buddy is not heavy enough, he may carry some weight plates when sitting on your back.

If you do not have gym buddies to help you, there are donkey raise machines which you can use to build your calf muscles.

SEATED CALF RAISES This exercise is commonly preformed using a machine where you sit, and a padded section is placed above your knees.

If your gym do not have seated calf raises machines, you can still perform this exercise by sitting on a bench and putting a weighted barbell on your thighs, then raise your heels off the floor, and pause at the top and squeeze hard for full muscle contraction, then return to the original position with the heels almost touching the floor. That will be one rep. If the barbell hurt your thighs, put a towel as a cushion on your thighs.

Now remember to use heavy weights. How many sets and reps? Well, those of you who are familiar with my training methods will know that I do not believe in a pre determined number of reps. Just perform the exercises until you just cannot lift any more even if I were to holler at you. That will be one set. As for number of sets, depending on your time and your split routine for the day, do 3-6 sets of calf muscle fatigued reps.
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Chris Chew - About the Author:

Chris Chew is a personal trainer of actors, fashion models and male pageant winners. More free tips hereMale Pageant Winners and Personal Trainer Certification

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How To Build Big Muscles - 3 Steps To Hugeness

How to build big muscles is the question on the mind of just about every would be bodybuilder, especially when we are starting out. The trouble is that you can find so much conflicting information out there that it's hard to know where to turn or what to do. Check out the rest of this article to find out how to build big muscles.

Step 1

Unless you have an extremely physical day job or something like that in your life, the chances are that to build up your muscles you are going to need to get into some kind of regular weight training regimen. There's no known method how to build big muscles without some kind of resistance. This is not as time consuming and tiring as it seems, and once you get started you'll find that within a few weeks your workout is automatic.

Step 2

Don't let yourself plateau. When you first start working out, over the course of the first few weeks you'll find you get a whole lot stronger than you were. This is due to dormant muscle fibers being awoken by the vigorous stimulation. A lot of people get to this stage when they first find out how to build big muscles, but then stop challenging themselves with the amount of weight they are lifting. If you don't lift enough, you'll barely see any gains at all, so make sure you increase the weight as you get stronger.

Step 3

Remember the golden rule - if you want to know how to build big muscles, lift heavy weights with low reps, and if you want to add definition and tone to the muscle you have, lighter weights and more reps are the key. Just remember, next time you are at the gym and you see people sweating over doing 15-20 reps, it may seem tough but it won't make them any bigger.

Step 4

Add some variety. The human body is perfectly evolved, and so you'll find that the same exercises all the time are less strenuous for you, so you get less gain. This can really trouble your quest to learn how to build big muscles. This is due to certain parts of each muscle becoming stronger and thus able to deal with things more efficiently. To combat this, mix it up a little, rotate your routine every few weeks so you can keep it all fresh and keep your muscles guessing.

So there you are, that's how to build big muscles in a nutshell. The tips are aimed at someone just starting out, but these principles will always apply to any kind of strength training. Click the links below for some more tips.

CLICK HERE to get your free review of the best workout plans - they'll have you ripped and with single digit body fat in no time - it's right here, and it's fast and easy

CLICK HERE for the best resources on the net for teaching how to burn fat right off your body- Not only that but you'll also learn how to get more gains in less time and what foods are REALLY good for building muscle

Brian Waters is webmaster at

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Build Bigger Muscle - 3 Top Secrets to Build Bigger Muscle

I have a confession to make... I am still looking to build bigger muscle size.

I guess that's all of us, but I have discovered the top 5 secrets that the natural bodybuilders use to get more mass. To build big muscles you must shock your body into growth. What follows are some proven strategies that will work for you as they have for me and others.

1-- To build large muscles you must train heavy:

Forget the machines. You must concentrate on free weights and stick to the mass building exercises. Flat bench press, standing overhead presses, bicep curls, bent over rows, dead lifts and squats.

Those exercises are critical to build a strong foundation for big muscle size.

After a while your muscles will become used to these exercises and will no longer respond by growing more muscle mass. This is called "Plateauing."

To prevent plateau's you must change up your exercise program every 4 weeks.

All you need to do is to change your workout. Try different exercises. It will shock your body and cause it to respond by developing more muscle mass.

This will be a shock to the body, causing these new exercises to be more effective.

Thus helping you build big muscle more effectively.

If you are a beginner, you must work on your these exercises before moving onto an advanced training program. Your body must first become used to this workout.

Here's what you MUST do before starting any workout!

2 - Proper Warm up:

This one is critical. I can't emphasize it enough. Lack of a proper workout can and will lead to injury, muscle fatigue and lack of muscle growth.

Spend about 5 minutes warming up. I usually do some walking on the treadmill to get a sweat going.

3 -- Build Bigger Muscle Mass:

In order to get more muscle mass you must use heavy weights and or a lot of resistance. The resistance MUST challenge you on every workout.

The rep range should be between 8 to 10. As soon as you can do 10 reps... add more weight. You must push your self in every set.

You will be going to failure on every set. If you can get a training partner or have someone "spot" you... your results will come even faster.

Final Thoughts:

To Build Bigger Muscle you must train right, get proper amount of rest and most important of all ... have a well balanced nutrition program. Get any of these 3 things wrong and you will sabotage your muscle building efforts.

It's hard to get all three right and to find a result producing workout program. Fortunately there is a great resource you can use. Click to for complete information, reviews, tips and more. Do this and I guarantee your success.

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How To Get Bigger Muscles - What You Can Do To Get Muscles Faster

There are many discussions going on as to what the suitable supplements are for muscle building which can prolong and increase the efficiency of the workout while speeding up the recovery process after the workout. Much of this is centered on a compound known as L-Arginine which is a natural supplement. This compound coupled with nitric oxide seems to promise a lot to the world of body building and provide an answer to how to get bigger muscles.

Amino acids can be identified as the building blocks of life itself. Since the human body is unable to produce Amino Acids we must gain them through the food that we eat. Although L-Arginine is not a critical compound for the human body, the health benefits from the presence of L-Arginine in the body are significant, especially to people who do bodybuilding workouts regularly.

When starting on a supplement it is recommended to monitor the amount you add to the diet and the effect you feel after the addition. This is important because even though L-Arginine is a natural substance, taking too much initially may cause nausea. Keeping track of the usage with the effect felt is known as tolerance mapping.

After the best dosage for your body has been identified the benefits of L-Arginine can be realized fully. L-Arginine has the ability to increase the volume of blood pumped within the body. This helps bodybuilding a lot. The blood is the carrier of water, oxygen and nutrients to the various parts in our body. When more blood is being pumped, the amount of nutrients carried with it is also higher. When these are received by the muscles which are being worked out they receive greater energy to be pushed by the workout to help you to find how to get bigger muscles.

Even after the workout the benefits for the body doesn't end. The additional nutrients coming along with the blood increases the rate of healing of the torn tissues. Therefore you will be able to start working out sooner. Also harmful toxins such as lactic acid are removed.

If you want to find ou how to get bigger muscles include L-Arginine and nitric oxide in your diet and get the best out of your bodybuilding plan and get build up muscles and get the body you want faster.

Here is the #1 solution to Get Bigger Muscles just click here now.

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New Muscle Building Video

New Muscle Building video