Thursday, December 16, 2010

How I Learned To Deadlift More Weight By Watching A Chinese Monk Lift Weights With His Testicles

Chinese Buddhist monks have a hard time of it. In their country, the authorities don't really tolerate the monks unless they can 'pull their own weight' (so to speak) by bringing in an income. And usually, this income comes from foreign tourists who are happy to spread a bit of money around in exchange for some entertainment.

Monks who do this are all about putting on a grand spectacle for the paying customers. These guys take advantage of the rumors and legends about their martial arts prowess by putting on shows involving martial arts, tricks with old weapons like swords and staves, and demonstrations of chi -- the mystical 'life force' energy that they claim can be harnessed in astounding ways.

So I was watching these martial arts master monks putting on their show for the tourists, and I have to tell you, it was very entertaining. There was a lot of shouting, and flashing of big, showy curved swords, and what seemed to be death-defying tricks and feats of fighting skill. But as the show progressed, the excitement levels seemed to be running down. Most of the showmen were doing the same sorts of things over and over.

But then, people in the crowd began to whisper to each other that the 'testicle guy' was going to finish out the remainder of the show. Having never seen this group of performers before, I had no idea what the 'testicle guy' was all about. But you better believe I wanted to find out. It sounded exciting.

Sure enough, this old man came out with some jugs, straps, string, and other weird-looking pieces of paraphernalia. Then, much to the feigned embarrassment of the female tourists, he whipped out his testicles and attached some sort of leather sleeve around them.

As you can imagine, he then hung all sorts of weights from his testicles (yeah, really!) and basically squatted up and down, lifting the weights with his super-energized scrotum chi power.

Suffice it to say, he got the loudest and most sustained applause of the entire show. At least he did from the women; most of the men were wincing in sympathetic discomfort.

But then, I began to think about this testicle lifting. It was really, really impressive. But not because the weights he lifted were outrageously heavy. They were not. As far as I could tell, he didn't lift more than 15 or 20 pounds in total. What made the lifts mind-blowingly amazing was the fact that he lifted weight with such a weak part of his body.

And this got me to thinking further about my deadlifts and other 'pulling' lifts like pullups and rows. I asked myself: what makes these exercises difficult when the weight gets heavy? It's not the strain they put on the 'big' muscles of the body. Rather, it's the fact that we have to use our hands and forearms to hang on to a heavily-loaded barbell.

Much like the testicles and/or scrotum were the weak link in the Monk's demonstration lifts, the gripping strength in the hands is the weak link that holds back progress in my deadlifts. And once I realized this, I used a few simple tricks to increase my gripping ability and it was like I became stronger overnight.

You don't need to watch a Chinese martial arts master lift jugs of stones with his testicles to learn the secrets of grip strength. Check out this free report for a simple, time-tested way to increase your weight lifting totals. While you're at it, click through to weight lifting straps and learn how to bypass grip strength and build muscle mass directly.

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