Sunday, January 9, 2011

How to Build Muscle Fast - The Complete Solution

By Ivan Johnson

Alright so you have decided you want to build muscle fast and you probably have a good reason it might be to look good for girls down at the beach or maybe you want to I intimidate other guys or just to get in shape for some sort of sport. It doesn't matter what reason you have to build up there muscles just write it down on paper and put it somewhere to remind you daily why your doing this because some days it takes all you have to get off the couch and hit the gym.

If you want to put on muscle quick you have to know how muscle is built the so called "science" behind building muscle and don't get me wrong it's not rocket science but, you also don't see everyone walking around with 17 inch biceps and ripped abdominals so it does require a little work on your part to get there but totally worth it.

In order to create muscle growth you have to stress your bodies muscles so they break down and this is called micro trauma it happens invisibly but, your muscles have tiny micro tears which it will attempt to repair as quick as possible and rebuild the muscles bigger and stronger then before, hence muscle growth. You should be lifting heavy weights to get the best workout possible because you should be only working each muscle once a week because they grow when your resting not working out, this is one of the tricks to build large muscles that many don't know.

The final factor to muscle growth is what your eating, your diet to bulk up should consist of high protein foods such as chicken, fish, eggs and beef but, also you need good sources of carbohydrates for energy such as potatoes, yams and rice. I get a lot of people wondering how much they really need to eat to build muscle fast so I tell them to mimic what bodybuilders do 5-6 small meals a day that are high in healthy proteins and carbohydrates and be sure to throw a few salads and vegetables in there.

If you put some of these tips above to work for you it'll surely pay off and you will be well on your way to large muscles. For more information consult a personal trainer or keep reading for more help.

For more information on building muscle go to

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