Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How to Get Ripped Chest Muscles Fast

How to get a ripped chest quickly is one of the most common questions asked in the gym. Why? Because large chest muscles look sexy, they look great when you take your top of down at the pool or beach and girls can see how fit you are by the way those pectoral muscles create a great shape in your shirt.

The chest muscles are basically made up of two main muscles - the small pectoralis minor muscle that lies on top of the chest wall and then the larger pectoralis major muscle which lies on top of this and which gives the chest its shape.

In order to build the chest muscles you need to perform exercises that focus on these muscles and also, surprisingly, exercise the large muscles of the body such as the quadriceps muscle - the large muscle on the front of the thigh, to promote growth hormone production. A popular exercise that stimulates the chest muscles is the bench press. You basically lie on your back, holding a barbell with your hands at shoulder width apart. You then lower the barbell slowly to your chest and then push it back up until your arms are back to the straightened position. It is important to lower the barbell slowly and not drop the weight allowing it to bounce off your chest.

The next important factor if you want to know how get a ripped chest is diet. I don't mean starving yourself to lose fat. Yes, you have to lose that fat layer that covers the chest muscles but you also have to build and maintain the muscle bulk. If you try and starve yourself you will send your body into what is known as a catabolic state which will have the effect of breaking down all that hard gained muscle. So, what you need to do is maintain adequate protein intake but also incorporate cardio routines to your workout to burn calories otherwise you will just bulk up with muscle and fat leaving yourself looking bloated.

How long will it take? That depends on how much work you are willing to put in, whether you are performing the correct workout routines, your diet and more importantly - consistency. In all sporting areas, consistency is the key. Making small gains, regularly over a period of time soon amounts to large gains. In as little as 11 weeks you should be able to get a ripped chest fast.

Many people desire a ripped muscular body which takes time and work. However there are shortcuts to speed up your gains. This article explains the principles behind getting a ripped muscular chest fast. If you want to hit the ground running and get going with a full program that provides you with all the workouts, cardio routines and diet then then there are a number of programs available including the Vince Delmonte Review Program or the Truth About Abs Program. These all employ the same basic principles of building muscle and losing fat but in a no nonsense structured approach.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tom_Travers

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